

Captain Charles Moore's (founder of 2009 Ted Talk was my own introduction to the plastic pollution crisis, so it is fitting as Wisdom begins to find its legs, to launch a give-back partnership with an organization that does so much to inform and educate on the issue we built our company to address.


Seven minutes that changed the course of my existence:




"Our mission is not to pick trash out of the sea. It’s to fundamentally shift our way of thinking on land. We empower young people to think critically, demand action and be agents for change."

"Our ongoing academic programs have engaged over 2150 teachers and 275,800 students, providing in-class science workshops, teacher training and field research opportunities. All together, our leadership programs have helped launch over 146 waste reduction campaigns in schools spanning 24 countries."


To learn more about Algalita's teacher programs click here, for student programs click here

For more information about the Wisdom giveback program, promotional events, and our zero-waste product development, please sign up for our newsletter - we share good stuff.