We're launching our direct-to-school program based on 2 products we consider the "low hanging fruit" of waste prevention.

Spiral-Bound student planners should not be an option.  Sending tons of recyclable paper to landfill is inexcusably wasteful, and a big missed opportunity to demonstrate a baseline environmental consideration for the generations inheriting the waste being generated on behalf of their education.

The irony.

Vinyl Binders should cease to exist.  Google "chemicals in vinyl".  In addition, vinyl, like its cousin plastic, is forever.  Hundreds and hundreds of millions of school binders (usually still full of paper) are taking up space and off-gassing in landfills across the the country (and around the world).  

It is a choice to stop adding to this waste, and choose instead to inform, engage, and educate students in the process. 

  ---  see programs below  ---  

Stock 1 Classroom: Zero-Waste Binder Kits

ditch vinyl

Taking Reservations Now

ditch spirals